Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We're landed!

HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!    HABARI  ZENU??  (how are you all?)
I am so happy to finally be able to write to you! 
The whole team has settled nicely into Kenya.  After two flights totaling 15 hours and a very squished and bumpy 8 hour car ride we are happy to be at our compound. 
The weather has been beautiful: sunny and warm.  We have already been to town several times, on piki-pikis (motorcycles) and in taxis.
We went to church on Sunday.  It was so awesome and strengthening to see people on the other side of the world worshipping the God who made it.  The kids at the pre-school were so precious!  A sea of beautiful, smiling children.  I was blown away by how easily we could make them happy.  Katie brought two containers of bubbles and when we started blowing they screamed and danced and were so excited!
I have already seen and done so much here and I know that there are many things still coming. I am so thankful that the team I am with is so loving and happy and God-focused. 
I plan to update you again and more frequently and add pictures in the future!
Until then "Mungu aku bariki!!" (God bless you.)

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