We arrived in Tel-Aviv around 12:00 p.m. Israeli time (about 5:00 a.m. EST), and thankfully I was able to sleep quite a bit on the flight (which was 10 hours long).
One of my traveling companions helped me through customs, and we quickly and easily changed our money and gathered our bags.... Or so I thought.
Because they had sent of a warning signal, my hiking boots had been taken out of my checked bag and repackaged in a separate envelope, which I was supposed to pick up at the luggage claim but I forgot :/ I guess "blonde rules" still apply in Israel. ;) Anyway, I spent at least half an hour trying to track down that package. I talked to several agents during this time from several different floors of the airport - over the counter, over the phone.. Finally I was checked through security again and allowed to retrieve my package. Some new friends from Australia very kindly waited for me while all of this was happening.
You can pray for all of the Israelis that we talk to on this trip. I have talked to at least three all ready who do not know what a "Messianic" Jew is. I've only had time to explain that these are Jews who believe in Jesus as their Messiah, but who knows how many seeds can be planted in the five weeks that the 2 dozen or so of us are here.
The drive to Jerusalem only took a little over an hour. Israeli drivers are aggressive! Arnold was driving my van and our mirror was no less than two inches from another large truck!! To our frightened gasps Arnold replied, "The worst is yet to come." :)
There are so many things to see here! This time I am just going to attach some of the photos quickly snapped through car and airplane windows or various signs and sights of Israel. During the trip I will be able to take much better pictures of the actual countryside (And the many beautiful flowers!), but I will be meeting up with the group for dinner in an hour so will just unload some of the curiosities on you with minimal explanation or editing.
All of you are probably just waking up and I hope that you have a wonderful Monday!!
P.S. - It is 85+ degrees Fahrenheit today. Dying.
Scenes from El-Al plane window as we flew in over the Mediterranean and Tel-Aviv (Arid land, with many canyons and hills and housing communities scattered throughout the hill-country. Some fields):

Airport in Tel-Aviv:

A hill-side fire slowed us down on the way up to Jerusalem:

This sign said "Welcome to Israel" but I didn't get it in time:

Israeli Signs and Sights on the van ride to Mount Zion Hotel:

And these are just for my sister - PURPLE CARS!!!! ;) :P <3

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