Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reflections and Poetry

Life doesn't always feel fresh.
            Sometimes it feels boring.

        I've felt lately that there wasn't much to write about.  However, life does not have to be a constant roller-coaster of joyous "fursts."  :)  Life is made beautiful by family, health, our walk with God.  I am, and have felt, blessed by all of those things lately.

        Although I will be posting some highlights soon I would like to share this poem now.  I read it in my Literature book today at school and it made me cry.  I have copied the first half of it here:

Long ago the Lord looked down
Through the years to this small town,
This street, this house, and planned that I,
While I was living here, should try

To do His work and will, and so
He started, long and long ago,
To make this person which is I,
He watched and guided from the sky,

Had this one marry that, and He
Sometimes would make one cross the sea
To meet the one he was to wed.
Strangely, strangely they were led,

And strangely mixed, some Irish, Dutch,

Some Scotch, a little French, not much,
and English blood to some degree,
Till many races met in me

To give me just this mind and face.

And then He saved me, by His grace!

~  "Long and Long Ago" by Martha Snell Nicholson

            I guess it's just a reminder of how much our infinite God loves us, how He watches over our lives and has plans for us even when it seems like nothing's happening.